A guide to the staking tab of PolkadotJS Apps


Porta Explorer
Navigate to the Staking page
  • Network > Staking
This section of the website is made up of the following pages:
  • Overview
  • Account actions
  • Payouts
  • Targets
  • Waiting
  • Slashes
  • Validator stats
We will now explore the function of each page:

Overview page

The page shows activate validators and the statistics attributable to them
Top-left of the screen
In this section you will see:
  • The number of active validators and the maximum number of validators
  • The number of validators waiting to become active validators
  • The number of accounts nominating validators.
    • Nominators are accounts that bond funds to the validator and share in the validator rewards. Bonding funds helps the validator candidate become an active validator.
Top-middle of screen
In this section you will see:
  • The staking goal for the blockchain
  • The percentage of the currency staked right now
  • The annual inflation rate
Top-right of the screen
In this section you will see:
  • The duration of an epoch (in this example, an epoch happens every 10 minutes)
  • The time remain on the current epoch (8m 33s)
  • A visual representation of how far we are through the current epoch (14%)
  • The duration of an era (in this example, an epoch happens every hour)
  • The time remain on the current era (58m 33s)
  • A visual representation of how far we are through the current era (2%)
Middle of the screen
In this section you will see:
  • In the middle you will see a horizontal list of pre-set symbols with an accompanying description. These symbols will appear next to the list of validators (on the left of the screen) when the validator meets the criteria for one of them. Currently the validators only have a green circle with a number denoting how many blocks they have produced this epoch.
  • A list of the currently active validators (on the left) and statistics showing
    • The validators own stake
    • The commission rate for the validator
    • The points earned this era
    • The number of the last block the validator produces
  • A graph symbol that, when clicked, will display the validator statistics for a specific validator
    • Era points
    • Elected stake
    • Rewards and slashes
    • Commission
The purpose of this page is to help nominators choose the best validators to support.

Account Actions page

The page lists bonded accounts and gives you the ability to bond a stash account to a controller account. You are also able to choose where to direct the rewards resulting from nominator and validator activity.
The right of the page:
Allows you to
  • Add a session key from rotateKeys command, this allows you to enter your node into the next validator cycle.
  • Bond funds to a validator through a process called ‘nominating’, this allows you to share in the rewards of the validator.
  • The three dots allow you to manage the bonding relationship between yourself and the validator.

Payouts page

The page lists the staking rewards that may be claimed. The user can click payout or payout all to receive the reward.

Targets page

The page lists the statistics of past, present and future validators and offer toggles to help refine the list.
These are the toggles set to assist you

Waiting page

The page lists the accounts waiting become validators. The active validators will be chosen at the beginning of the era.

Slashes page

The page shows a history of the slashes and what validator they are attributable to.
Last modified 1yr ago
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